P.C. Automated Controls, Inc., provides preventative and maintenance HVAC Services.
Assuming Risk / Budget / Maintaining Equipment Uptime – There is quite a progressive story that could be told….but the focus with the site is to maintain HVAC equipment up time (minimize equipment failure), reduce operational cost, and assume the financial risk of the HVAC system. After all, if a company promotes that maintenance minimizes equipment failure then they should be willing to assume the complete risk associated with maintaining the equipment. P.C. Automated Controls, Inc., is willing to do just that. The maintenance program includes preventive maintenance up to and including whole system replacement if repairs are not sufficient to keep the system operating efficiently. If critical equipment should go offline, P.C. Automated Controls, Inc., will suffer a financial penalty according to an agreed upon formula. Let’s just say paramount performance is the order of the day at this facility and PC Automated Controls, Inc. has put their money where their mouth is.